Monday, September 17, 2012

Contorversial Diet Technique- Exercise After Each Meal

Today we are going to neutrally discuss a somewhat controversial diet method, exercising after each time you eat to eliminate the caloric intake. The general idea is that you record your calories for each meal or snack and then after your food has digested you exercise in a way that burns the calories you ate. So for example say you eat a 400 calorie lunch and then you do an hour of aerobics and burn 350 calories, you should lose weight because your body needs more than the remaining 50 calories to function. However this is controversial because exercising after eating can change insulin levels, affect blood pressure, and deprive your body of the fuel it needs during the workout. Some experts believe that exercising before eating is better however you may consume more food when you do eat thus sabotaging your progress. Our thoughts are simple, the more you exercise the stronger and healthier you become. You build more muscle which helps you to burn fat. However you need to listen to your body. If you are getting too sore, feeling too hungry or feeling run down, then you are doing too much. The key is balance between a healthy diet and a strong activity level.