Saturday, June 2, 2012

Diet Spotlight- Food Lovers

The Food Lover's Diet; to be honest when I saw their commercials I was thinking wow what a stupid thing to say to over-eaters, to fill their heads with the idea that they can eat whatever they want and still loose weight. Then I had a conversation about it with my friend, who also happens to be a surgeon specializing in gastric bypass and other weight loss surgeries. She told me that she has been recommending this to her clients and most of them lost so much weight that they no longer needed surgery. She explained to me that the program isn't really a diet, more like a guide to proper eating. It discusses moving away from preprocessed foods, teaches people how to cook their favorite meals in a healthier way and it shows people how to eat the right balance of foods. So we put it to the test and so far people are loosing weight, without feeling deprived and yes they can still have desserts and fatty foods provided that they follow the right portions and food combinations. So go Food Lovers! I highly recommend this to anyone!